16,10 €
Desk blotter of wood
2,40 €
Replacement sheets for the Herbin desk blotter
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Ambre de Birmanie ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bleu azur ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bleu myosotis ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bleu nuit ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Bleu nuit ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bleu pervenche ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bouquet d'antan ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bouton d'or ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Cacao du Brésil ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Café des îles ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Diabolo menthe ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Éclat de saphir ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Éclat de saphir ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Gris nuage ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Larmes de cassis ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Lie de thé ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Lie de thé ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Lierre sauvage ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Orange indien ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Perle noire ink.
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Perle noire ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Poussière de lune ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Poussière de lune ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rose cyclamen ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rose tendresse ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rouge Bourgogne ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rouge caroubier ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rouge opéra ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rouille d'ancre ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Terre de Feu ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Vert empire ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Vert olive ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Vert pré ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Vert réséda ink
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Violette pensée ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Violette pensée ink
7,55 €
50 ml plastic bottle of Herbin nib wiping liquid
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1798 Améthyste de l'Oural ink.
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bleu calanque ink.
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Bleu des profondeurs ink.
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Corail des tropiques ink.
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Rouge grenat ink.
8,25 €
30 ml glass bottle of Herbin Vert de gris ink.
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1798 Cornaline d'Égypte ink.
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1670 Bleu océan ink
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1670 Caroube de Chypre ink
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1670 Emerald of Chivor ink
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1670 Gris orage ink
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1670 Rouge hematite ink
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 1798 Kyanite du Népal ink
21,83 €
50 ml glass bottle of Herbin 350 Vert Atlantide ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Bleu des profondeurs ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Ambre de Birmanie ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Bleu calanque ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Bleu pervenche ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Bouquet d'antan ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Café des îles ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Diabolo menthe ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Gris nuage ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Lierre sauvage ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Orange indien ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Rouge grenat ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Rouge opéra ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Vert de gris ink
15,67 €
100 ml plastic bottle of Herbin Vert empire ink